Friday, May 10, 2013

First Post

Starting a minor code journal. I started out coding through a school summer internship for computational biology where I was introduced to perl and worked on a linux cluster, basically using perl to parse data and R to analyze data.  I worked on a  project analyzing molecular dynamics simulations involving a lectin from a blue-green algae.

The computational intensity of the project sparked my interests in computer science so I decided to switch to computer science. For the past year or so I have taken classes in C++ and have learned the OOP paradigm.

Projects (all in c++) I have worked on so far include:

  •  a RPN-calculator with the Qt framework for a gui
  •  poker graphically displayed using opengl
  •  a multi-threaded chat server and client using the Qt framework and gui 
  •  An algebraic expression calculator that graphs using the Qt framework
  •  Various other minor projects such as a BigNum calculator (to get beyond   overflow problems) and a project involving Bitwise Multiplication 

While I am supportive of open source and free software (I do all of my coding using Arch Linux), I do not post or give out code from classwork because I do not like the idea of people using my code to help them finish CS homework/tests.  The less competition in the job market the better.

What I do plan posting about is my own private projects outside of class.

Currently, for fun I am using Code Academy.  However, after a year or so of learning C++ I find it a little disappointing because it sort of confines users to a box.  I feel the same way about blogger so hopefully soon I can get a domain name registered and set up my own custom blog for didactic purposes.

Over the summer I also plan on getting familiar with opengl using this free online book Learning Modern 3D Graphics Programming. I am planning on starting a project using opengl for the graphics and with Qt for windows management.

My plans for the blog are basically to discuss my meager programming experiences and some code alongside my opinions on learning programming.

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